Bichitra Behura

ANANTA SPARSHA (Book of Poems)
Poet: Dr. Bichitra Kumar Behura


I entered into a long distance train

Quite hurriedly, without a ticket .

Didn’t know the destination ,

Neither the direction

Nor did I have any motivation

To make the journey full of exhilaration.


Inadvertently, I rushed into the coupe

Unaware of your existence,

Became your unsolicited associate.

It was difficult for you to adjust

The idiosyncratic behavior of the co-passenger.

There was no option but to continue

The Journey was more or less destined

And there was nothing to argue.

We exchanged our looks .

Slowly, made inroads

Into each other’s hearts.

We whiled away time playing games

Forgetting our destinations

And the purpose of life.

The stations kept reminding

That it is almost time to alight .


Time to introspect

And understand the values of the prospects.

There is no time to analyze the goal

However, your company in the coupe

And the overnight journey in the train

Is difficult to forget.

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